Dr. Ravindra Patil has 14 years of experience in fundamental as well as applied research in algorithm prototyping and building AI models for both healthcare and non-healthcare domain.
He started his professional career with Siemens and past 8 years he has been with Philips Healthcare and currently he is leading a team of Data and AI for Personal Health Cluster as Group Leader; Over his career he has been involved in building multiple AI algorithms in clinical domain and transferring them successfully to the businesses.
He received his Bachelor of Engineering degree (E&C) with university rank and founder’s gold medal. Later, he pursued his Master’s degree in the area of pattern recognition from IIT Madras, India and holds a Ph.D. from University of Maastricht, Netherlands in the area of AI.
He has 30+ patent filings to his credit, of which multiple of them are granted / in various stages of grant process. He has published more than 25 research papers in international journals and conferences.