Since 2007, Evgeny Burnaev has implemented a number of successful industrial
projects with Airbus, SAFT, IHI, Sahara Force India Formula 1 Team, and others.
Evgeny’s main research topics are related to the construction of models, methods
and algorithms for predictive analysis on data manifolds, deep learning and
generative models with applications to 3D computer vision. The research results have
been published in leading conferences on AI and computer science, such as
NeurlPS, ICML, ICLR, CVPR, EECV, ICCV, etc. In 2017, Evgeny became a laureate of
the Moscow Government Prize for Young Scientists in the category «Transmission,
storage, processing and protection of information», and in 2020 he won the Yandex
Ilya Segalovich Prize.